The RTI world structure is defined in:
EMA: European Mediterranean Americas Region
AR: African Region
ASPA: Asian Pacific Region
Meeting Structure:
AGM | Annual General Meeting |
CTM | Central Tablers Meeting |
EMA | European, Mediterranean & Americas’ Region |
EMATM | European, Mediterranean & Americas’ Region Tablers Meeting |
ARM | Africa Region Tablers Meeting |
IRO | International Relations Officer |
NTM | Northern (Nordic) Tablers Meeting |
ASPA | Round Table Asia Pacific |
RTI | Round Table International |
STM | Southern Tablers Meeting |
WMC | World Membership Committee |
Round Table History
The first Round Table was formed in Norwich, England in 1927. The founder, Louis Marchesi, was a young member of Norwich Rotary Club who felt a need existed for a club where the young business men of the town could gather on a regular basis.
At their meetings they could exchange ideas, learn from the experiences of their colleagues and play a collective part in the civic life of Norwich. Within a year of inception the membership of this Round Table had grown to 85 and interest was being shown in establishing Round Tables elsewhere. From a very early stage it was agreed that Round Table would be a non-religious, non-political club and this has continued to this day.
A second Round Table was established in Portsmouth and subsequent growth was rapid, with 125 Tables and a membership of 4,600 by the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939.
Round Table proved it had international appeal with the first overseas Table formed in Copenhagen in 1936. During the war years Round Table in Denmark continued to expand although in the British Isles activity was restricted and was in the nature of a ‘holding operation’.
After 1945 the pattern of growth was rapidly re-established with Tables being ‘chartered’ all over the UK. Round Table now flourishes in the majority of European countries, throughout Africa, the Middle East, India, Hong Kong, New Zealand and America. In fact Round Table is represented in every continent of the World.
Name and Badge
Round Table owes nothing to Arthurian Legend, deriving both its title and its maxim from a speech made to the British Industries Fair in 1927 by the then Prince of Wales – ‘The young business and professional men of this country must get together round the table, ADOPT methods that have proved so sound in the past, ADAPT them to the changing needs of the times and wherever possible, IMPROVE them’.
The phrase ADOPT, ADAPT, IMPROVE is a key facet of the organization and is often seen on Round Table literature and regalia.
The design of the Round Table emblem is, however, an adaptation of the table which hangs in the Great Hall in Winchester. Although this is claimed to be the Round Table of the mythical court of King Arthur, it is in fact a representation which was made in the 13th century.
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